Christmas Activities and Games

Here you are some activities  about Christmas, they are from the British Council webpage. Click in the names to play.

Christmas presents crossword  3º y 4º

Christmas words memory  3º y 4º

Christmas presents memory  3º y 4º

Order the sentences about Cristmas  4º y 5º

A letter to Santa  5º y 6º

Christmas quiz  6º

Whose present?

How to play

Click on a child then read or listen to what Santa has to say. Click on the best presents for each child.


 In this screen you must close the information text.

 Click here to play

Here you are same games, just for fun

Santa snowball shoot

Run Santa Run

Dialogue Unit 2 6º

Dialogue to act out

Super-Samantha 4º

Here you are the story of Supar Samantha